
Need to transport freight but can’t get through by car? Put your quad bike or snowmobile to good use and take a look at IRON BALTIC‘s range of accessories!

individual orders with different specifications availablel

Accessories for forestry

Need to bring firewood? Long logs left over from forestry work that you can’t fit in the car? So many branches in the yard you don’t know where to put them? Not only log and tree trailers, but also chippers and shredders are available.

Accessories for snow

So much snow in the yard that you can’t shovel? You’ve got your skis out of the cellar, but there are hills and potholes in the meadow? In the woods for firewood, but the old trailer tyres can’t get through the drifts? IRON BALTIC offers solutions for that too – snow shovel, blowers, ski trailers – we have it all!

Accessories for agriculture

There’s plenty to do on the farm, so there are also ploughs to attach to the quad bike, trailers for sand or soil, lawnmowers and other accessories. Are you planning to take a hay bale for the cattle? No worries, IRON BALTIC offers accessories for all situations!